Product Overview
Perfect for the do-it-yourself vintage system enthusiast, the 23128 Adapter converts JEDEC standard 32 pin EPROM, EEPROM, or FLASH ROMs to a 23128/23256/2764-27512 socket. The optional 6 highest address lines are available via pads complete with provision for pullup resistors (10K).
2 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
4 Great quality
Posted by John Saller on 7th Oct 2018
Looks great but need product information on how to wire up and use.
4 Adapter from 28 pin to 32 pin
Posted by Wolfgang Hodan on 25th Dec 2016
It's not so easy to solder the components (6 resistors and one DIL 32 and on the bottom side 2 rows of 14 pin pencil borders, because everything is very small. You must use an very thin soldering tip (<= 0,4mm), because the plated through holes are very narrow. Also the 6 resisters are almost too largely for the distances of the holes.I think someone, who is no expert in soldering , wouldn't be successful. Wolfgang Hodan