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Product Overview

In the 1980’s, after Commodore introduced the University of Waterloo-influenced SuperPET, the Toronto PET User’s Group (TPUG) decided to see if the machine could be extended to support Microware Corporation’s OS/9 real time operating system.  Heavily used in the embedded space, OS/9 ran on the Motorola 6809, which was included in the SuperPET.  TPUG member Avygdor Moise designed a suitable internal PCB for the SuperPET’s M6809 socket, which TPUG manufactured.  Upon porting OS/9 to this new hardware variant, TPUG successfully launched OS/9 on the SuperPET.  This PCB kit replicates the TPUG internal daughterboard functionality and can be installed in either a 2 or 3 board SuperPET system. 

Thanks go to Mike Naberezny, who reverse engineered the design, worked for years to obtain the licenses for the software, and provides a site detailing the technical details and the journey from idea to successfull bootup.  Also, we wish to thank Steven Hirsch for provided detailed construction steps for this kit. 

RETRO Innovations requests that buyers not contact Radisys or TPUG for support, as neither organization can provide such support.


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